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107學年度入學學士班學生適用 |
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選課系統/英文領域課程由學校依入學管道之英文科考試成績設定修課身分。 *入學管道沒有學測或指考成績的學生,其修課身分預設為「前標生」。 |
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英文領域課程修課身分確定後,學生的修課身分類別由學校依入學管道之英文科考試成績進行設定,學生可至校務資訊系統的基本資料及畢業學分審查表中查詢。 |

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除進階生應修習英文領域課程4學分外,其餘所有學生英文領域修課學分數為8學分,包括必修課程4學分及選讀課程4學分。各級身分類別應修習學分數及課程如修課規定所示。 |
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各身分類別學生之修課學分規定及修課課程類別如下表。 |

(一) | 僅限曾修習過一門英文必修課者才能申請,採書面申請方式,在校期間僅能申請一次,由語文中心進行審查。通過審查者,其過去修畢且及格的英文領域課程學分將全數承認。 |
(二) | 學生另可透過加簽單方式申請向上修習級數較高的課程(不含進階英文),畢業學分審查時承認向上級數修課的課程學分數,但仍須滿足必修課程4學分及選修課程4學分要求。 |
1、Instructions for English category course requirements
Adaptive instruction in English course will implement from academic year 2018/2019. All undergraduate newcomers will be divided into different English Course Level by system based on the score of students’ entrance of English subject.
2、Students’ English Course Level:
According to students’ entrance English subject score, the course selection system will automatically set students’ English Course Level, the setting principle is shown in Image 1. If students’ admission doesn't include General Scholastic Ability Test or Advanced Subjects Test with English subject score, students’ English Course Level will be temporarily set as “Good but not Excellent”. The Language Center will inform students individually about the English test time and position before the semester starts. Students could use this score to adjust their English Course Level by proposing it to the Language Center. If review is passed, the English Course Level will be adjusted by school. But already enrolled English Courses should be withdrawn by students themselves.
3、Inquire your English Course Level:
After confirming student’s English Course Level, students could inquire their English Course Level from Personal Information or Graduation Verification in the Academic Information System.
4、Required Credits in English Courses
Apart from Advanced students are required to have 4 credits in English Courses. Other students are required to have 8 credits in English Courses, including 4 credits in Required English Course and 4 credits in Elective English Course. The required credits and courses for different English Course Level are shown in point 7.
5、English Course Requirements
Each English Course Level students should meet the course and credit requirements which are shown below:
Level Category |
Score of students’ entrance of English subject |
Course Program |
Advanced Student |
General Scholastic Ability Test’s English subject Rank 15 or Advanced Subjects Test’s English subject score ranked top 10% in school |
Choose either program |
Program 1 |
Program 2 |
Advanced English-Listening and Speaking 2 credits Advanced English-Reading 2 credits |
Other foreign languages (same language) 6 credits |
Top Student |
English subject above “Excellent” level but doesn’t meet Advanced English qualifications |
Choose either program |
Program 1 |
Program 2 |
Upper-Intermediate English III- Listening and Speaking 2 credits Upper-Intermediate English III- Reading 2 credits Elective English 4 credits Students who pass the official English Proficiency tests could waive 2 credits of Elective English. |
Upper-Intermediate English III- Listening and Speaking 2 credits Upper-Intermediate English III- Reading 2 credits Other foreign languages (same language) 6 credits |
Above average student |
English subject above “Good” level but not “Excellent” |
Upper-Intermediate English I 2 credits Upper-Intermediate English II 2 credits Elective English 4 credits Students who pass the official English Proficiency tests could waive 2 credits of Elective English. |
Medium Student |
English subject below “Good” but above “Average” |
Intermediate English I 2 credits Intermediate English II 2 credits Elective English 4 credits Students who pass the official English Proficiency tests could waive 2 credits of Elective English. |
Preliminary Student |
English subject below “Behind” |
Elementary English I 2 credits Elementary English II 2 credits Elective English 4 credits Students who pass the official English Proficiency tests could waive 2 credits of Elective English. |
6、Propose to adjust English Course Level:
If student feel the English course doesn’t fulfill students’ level, students could propose to Language Center to adjust their English Course Level. The application process is shown below:
- Limited to students who took only one required English course. Students could only apply once in school via written form. If the review is passed, previous passed credits in English Category Courses will be admitted.
- b. Students could enroll in higher level courses via signing up the form for enrollment in course with limit. The Graduation Verification should admit higher level course credits. Students should still meet the 4 credits in Required English and 4 credits in Elective English requirements.
7、Elective English Course number and verification:
Elective English Course could be courses offered by Language Center (with course number LANG 2), General Education, Department of Foreign Language, Department of English Instruction and other departments which has specially marked “Admitted as Elective English Course Credits for undergraduate students enrolled from 2018 fall” in notes. Any of these mentioned above could be admitted as English Elective Course.
8、Suggestion for the order of each courses:
The freshman year should take the required English course then take the Elective English course.