
Spring 2025【英】看TED-Ed學英文(A) Learning English from TED-Ed(A)

Spring 2025【英】看TED-Ed學英文(A)
Learning English from TED-Ed(A)

開課時間 週三15:30-17:20 (2025/03/12 ~ 04/16,4/02放假),總節數:10。
開課教師 林玉書 老師  (Teresa Lin)
Email: teresa.indiana@gmail.com
遠距授課採用Microsoft Teams第一堂上課前會用email的方式通知學生相關教材。
※online course: Microsoft Teams; email students class materials each time before the class.

本課程適合英文自己評估程度為:30-70 (超過70分以上及30分以下適合自己自習)
This course suits students whose English level is between basic, intermediate and higher intermediate or who rate their English proficiency by themselves between 30 to 70 out of 100. (Students whose self-rated English ability is more than 70 and below 30 are recommended to study English by themselves by this instructor.)
If your self-esteem is fragile and cannot accept any suggestions from the instructor, please email her before the class to help her understand you better and how to adjust the class for you accordingly.

報名資訊 報名時間:2025/01/24 09:00 至 2025/03/05 09:00

人限: 20人(報到滿12人方開班)※報名及出席率規定(請務必詳閱)


遠距授課方式及教材  採用Microsoft Teams第一堂上課前會用email的方式通知學生相關教材
This course helps students improve their note-taking and listening skills, and practice vocabulary and phrases from the videos. Students can review and use them in sentences to converse with their peers. This will facilitate their learning and boost their confidence because the selected TED-Ed videos are easy to grasp and practical for students. The course combines listening, reading, and speaking. Based on the theme of each video, the instructor will create many questions for students to brainstorm, discuss, and share their insights with all their classmates.
※Course Language: Class language will be mainly in English.





1 03/12

心理相關影片Psychology: tentative videos

  • Self-compassion
  • How to deal with rejection
  • Is life meaningless?
2 03/19

心理相關影片Psychology: tentative videos

  • Why incompetent people think they are amazing
  • Why perfect grades don’t matter
  • How to be confident: 3 tips to boost your confidence
3 03/26

科學科技相關影片Science & Technology: tentative videos

  • Does being cold make you sick?
  • The science of laziness
  • Does your brain ever sleep?
4 04/09

商業相關影片Business: tentative videos

  • How people rationalize fraud
  • What would happen if everyone stopped eating meat tomorrow
  • The life cycle of a cup of coffee

5 04/16

商業相關影片Business: tentative videos

  • Do tax cuts stimulate the economy?
  • Covid Stimulus- how do governments create money out of thin air
  • What causes an economic recession?

The teacher’s handouts, slides, online English TED-Ed videos

國外網站,線上資源. online resources.
