Summer 2022【英】英文寫作段落連貫與銜接/ Coherence and Cohesion in English Writing
Summer 2022【英】英文寫作段落連貫與銜接
Coherence and Cohesion in English Writing
開課時間 | 週二~四 13:20-15:10 (2022/07/26-2022/07/28),總時數:6小時 |
開課教師 | 王遠洋 老師 Email: |
上課地點 | 遠距授課使用 Google Meet。 |
課程對象 | 正在撰寫學術論文,或有意準備英檢考試之清大學生。 (可供「博士卓越提升試辦方案計畫」同學認證。) |
報名資訊 |
報名時間: 2022/07/04 09:00 至 2022/07/18 09:00 |
課次 |
日期 |
主題 |
1 | 7/26 |
Coherence and Cohesion: |
2 | 7/27 |
Coordinating conjunctions: |
3 | 7/28 |
Subordinating and correlative conjunctions |
1. The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS. Cullen, Pauline, Amanda French, and Vanessa Jakeman. Cambridge UP, 2014.
2. Steps to Writing Well. Wyrick, Jean. Harcourt Brace, 1999.
3. The Writer’s Response. McDonald, Stephen, and William Salomone. Wadsworth, 2014.
2. Steps to Writing Well. Wyrick, Jean. Harcourt Brace, 1999.
3. The Writer’s Response. McDonald, Stephen, and William Salomone. Wadsworth, 2014.
1. Collins Complete Writing Guide. HarperCollins, 2009.