Summer 2022【英】進階英文與文法解讀 / Introduction to Advanced English and Grammar
Summer 2022【英】進階英文與文法解讀
Introduction to Advanced English and Grammar
開課時間 | 週二-週三 13:20 – 16:20 (2022/07/05-2022/07/13),總時數 12小時。 |
開課教師 | 林雅瓊 老師 Email: |
上課地點/ 遠距方式 |
遠距教學使用Google Meet, 上課連結另由教師E-MAIL通知 |
課程對象 | 不限 ※(可供「博士卓越提升試辦方案計畫」同學認證。) |
報名資訊 |
報名時間: 2022/06/14 09:00 至 2022/06/28 09:00 |
The course targets at assisting students in comprehending articles of advanced English from prestigious publishers such as The Economist and the like by informing learners of advanced grammar and related English learning tips that helps learners achieve the goal. Learners will be assigned readings from the prestigious publishers and introduced to major advanced grammar in the writings such as participle words and phrases that have made comprehend the academic articles challenging for Taiwan students. The course will assist learners in cracking the advanced English grammar by covering the readings and the grammar as well as by providing instructions and explanations. English will be the major working language while Mandarin will also be deployed in explaining grammar terms and notions.
課次 |
日期 |
主題 |
1 | 07/05 |
現在分詞與過去分詞(1) |
2 | 07/06 |
現在分詞與過去分詞(2)與句子結構解析 |
3 | 07/12 |
分詞構句與相關文法:第一課 |
4 | 07/13 |
分詞構句與相關文法:第二課與獨立片語 |
*course contents are subject to changes