Summer 2023【英】中英口譯技巧 Interpretation
Summer 2023【英】中英口譯技巧
開課時間 | 週三、四 10:00-12:00 & 14:00-16:00(2023/07/05 & 07/06),總時數:8小時。 |
開課教師 | 黃嘉瑜 (Yvonne Huang) |
上課地點 遠距方式 |
實體教室授課,地點:綜二館213教室。 (Lecture in classroom.) |
課程對象 | 未修過口譯課程學生 Students who have not taken interpretation course before (可供「博士卓越提升試辦方案計畫」同學認證。) |
報名資訊 | 報名時間: 2023/06/05 09:00 至 2023/06/28 09:00 欲報名同學請至GOOGLE表單報名👈請點擊 或直接檢附學號、姓名寄信至 人限: 20人(報到滿12人方開班)※報名及出席率規定(請務必詳閱) |
This workshop mainly focuses on the training of sight interpretation (EC & CE). After learning the differences between Chinese & English, students get to apply techniques (e.g. unit pauses, conversion of part of speech, and kernel sentence etc.) to authentic speeches and to improve their overall ability in comprehension, oral delivery, word choice and sentence structure of the two languages.
課次 |
日期 |
主題 |
1 | 7/05 (Wed.) 10 am - 12 pm |
英進中視譯 – 技巧 (意群、詞性轉換) |
2 | 7/05 (Wed.) 2 pm - 4 pm |
英進中視譯 – 實境演說練習 |
3 | 7/06 (Thur.) 10 am – 12 pm |
中進英視譯 – 技巧 (核心句) |
4 | 7/06 (Thur.) 2 pm – 4 pm |
中進英視譯 – 實境演說練習 |
教師自編講義 Handouts & worksheets compiled by the instructor
Authentic speeches (TBD)