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107學年度起(含)入學學士班學生適用 (排除外語系及英教系同學) |
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入學後至畢業前均可申請 |
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至校務資訊系統填寫申請表後(申請畫面如下圖),攜學生證、英檢成績單正本及影本各一份(正本查驗後歸還)、申請單,至語文中心辦公室辦理檢核(綜二館206R) 註:若該英檢考試無核發成績單者,可先印出網路成績取代英檢成績單影本(需含姓名及測驗日期),至語文中心申請檢核時,會請同學現場登入英檢考試成績顯示查詢頁面確認。 |

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上班日上午9-12點、下午2-5點 |
• | 全民英語能力分級檢定(GEPT)中高級複試(含)以上(口說及寫作各80分) |
• | 托福網路測驗(TOEFL iBT) 92分(含)以上 |
• | 雅思國際英語測驗(IELTS) 6.5級(含)以上 |
• | 英國劍橋大學國際英文認證分級測驗CAE(含)以上 |
• | 多益測驗(TOEIC)860分(含)以上且多益口說與寫作測驗各180分(含)以上 |
• | 畢業於國外全英文授課之高中或國際學校學生,持高中全期成績單正本(英文科成績全期總平均至少B+以上),向語文中心申請,個案審理通過者。 |
• | 持其它足以證明英文相當程度之有效證明文件,向語言中心申請,個案審理通過者。 |
(一) | 新生若入學前已符合免修條件,不須急著到校辦理;選課階段起,可略過英文不選,改選其他課程,待入學後再提出免修申請。 |
(二) | 申請英文免(減)修前已修畢之英文領域相關課程,其取得之學分可計入學分。 |
- 未修習課程:
因畢業總學分數不變,須自行選修學分(任何課程均可),來補足畢業總學分數之要求。 - 正在修習課程中:
可考慮繼續修課或退課。若選擇退課,請務必於加退選或二退期間自行退選正在選修的課程。 - 已修畢部分課程:
Apply for English Course Exemption
Students who have passed the requirements of the following English proficiency exams during high school or college time can apply for waiving all English courses, but have NOT obtained credits. Students must take other courses (all other courses offered by any department are allowed except for English courses that have been waived) before graduation to make up for graduation requirements for total credits.
1. Who can apply?
Students enrolled from academic year 2018/2019 (excluding FLL and KENI students)
2. When is the application deadline?
Students can apply for English course exemption anytime before graduation.
3. How to apply?
(1) Fill in the application form in the Academic Information System and print out the form.
(2) Bring your Student ID, application form, the original transcript of your English proficiency test and a copy of it to Center for Language Education (@General Building II, R206) during office hours.
4. When to apply?
Workdays from 9am to 12pm & 1pm to 5pm (office hours)
5. What are the requirements for English proficiency tests?
- General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) High-Intermediate Level, PASSED
- TOEFL iBT total score of 92 or above
- IELTS average band 6.5 or above
- Cambridge English Exams: reach C1 Advance (Cambridge English: Advanced / CAE) or above
- TOEIC total score of 860 or above + TOEIC SW (Speaking and Writing) each have a score of 180 (or above)
- International students or those who graduated from high schools in which all courses were fully taught in English should bring their original high school transcripts (with average rank B+ or above in English subjects) or other relevant English proficiency certificates to apply for English course exemption.
※ Notice
1. Freshmen who have met the exemption requirements before enrollment wouldn't have to rush to school for application. You could first skip the English courses during the course selection stage and apply for exemption later after admission.
2. Credits obtained from English courses before applying for exemption can be count as graduation credits.
※ Students having waived these courses will have to take the appropriate next step.
- Have not taken any Freshman / AdvancedEnglish courses:
Must take another credits to fulfill the general credits required. - Currently taking Freshman / Advanced EnglishCourses:
Can continue taking or drop the course. Please do follow the academic calendar should you decide to drop the course. - Have completed some Freshman / Advanced English courses:
Credits earned will be counted as the general credits required.