Fall 2020【英文】托福口說(B)/ TOEFL Speaking and Practice (B)
Fall 2020【英文】托福口說 (B)
TOEFL Speaking and Practice (B)
開課時間 | Mon. 14:20-16:35 (2020/11/16-2020/12/21) ,total hour: 15 hours |
開課教師 | 林玉書 老師 |
上課地點 | 教育館102 |
課程對象 | 希望提升托福口說或一般英文口說能力的學生 ※學生來上課者必須想要開口說英語,並願意跟另一位同學配對,或2-3位同學配對,會試學生需求及課程而做調整 |
報名資訊 |
報名時間: 2020-10-04 08:00 至 2020-11-08 10:00 人限: 20人(報到滿12人方開班) ※報名及出席率規定(請務必詳閱) 初選結果 |
This course will introduce key factors of good English speaking: pronunciation, linking sounds, intonation, stressed and reduced sounds, fluency, and accuracy. The instructor will give introduction of 4 types of TOEFL speaking questions and ask students to practice how to brainstorm, make outlines to respond to questions, write and speak summaries to synthesize ideas together so as to train students’ fluency and accuracy in TOEFL Speaking.
※ 授課語言 Course Language:
The instructor will be mainly speaking English and only little Chinese. The subtitles on the slides will be English while there will also be some Chinese characters to make students understand better.
※ 註明習作 Homework:
After each course, students will be given an easy task to do. By doing this, students can practice more at home to stimulate their thinking in answering TOEFL questions more spontaneously. The instructor will also comment on students' homework.
※ 影印紙張有限,講師只會於第一堂課印製講義,上課前會email學生雲端的課程講義資訊,可自行列印,或是直接上課帶平板、筆電來上課以減少紙張印製。
※ Due to the limitation of print quotas, the lecturer will only print the class handouts for students for the first class. Before the start of the course, students will receive the email from the lecture to access the handouts in the Google Drive; thus, students may print handouts by themselves. Students are recommended to bring their own tablets or personal computers to come to the class; by doing so, this will reduce the waste of paper.
課次 |
日期 |
主題 |
1 | 11/16 | 托福口說介紹:
2 | 11/23 | 托福獨立口說:
3 | 11/30 | 托福整合口說介紹:題型2
4 | 12/07 | 托福整合口說介紹:題型3 作答技巧
5 | 12/14 | 托福整合口說介紹:題型4
6 | 12/21 |
Bruce, R. (2006). The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test (4th ed.). Boston: Heinle, division of Thomson Learning