Fall 2024【法】基礎法文口語入門(B)
Basic French Conversation(B)
開課時間 | 週一13:20-15:10 (2024/11/04-12/09),總節數:12。 |
開課教師 | 粘耿嘉 老師(Geng-Jia NIAN) Email: andnien@hotmail.com |
地點 | 遠距教學使用Google Meet Online courses |
課程對象 | 大學部、研究所學生,對基礎法語有興趣者 Undergraduate and graduate students, who are interested in basic French |
報名資訊 | 報名時間:2024/09/23 09:00 至 2024/10/28 09:00 欲報名同學請至GOOGLE表單報名👈請點擊 或直接檢附學號、姓名寄信至:jltseng@mx.nthu.edu.tw 人限: 20人(報到滿12人方開班)※報名及出席率規定(請務必詳閱) |
Basic French, videos related to the subjects will be shown, social and cultural issues of France will be discussed as well.
All courses are taught in Mandarin (in English if needed and agreed by all members)It’s optional for students to practice basic French sentences taught in the class as homework in two ways:
1. Handwriting assignment to be provided in the next class.
2. Voice recording assignment to be sent by E-mail.
課次 |
日期 |
主題 |
1 | 11/04 |
單一/組合字母介紹與發音、招呼用語 |
2 | 11/11 |
招呼、問候用語 |
3 | 11/18 |
自我介紹(名字、國籍) |
4 | 11/25 |
自我介紹(職業、居住) |
5 | 12/02 |
數字、數字運用-自我介紹(年紀) |
6 | 12/09 |
自我介紹(外型、喜好) |
INTRO Méthode de français