Fall 2024【英】寫作技巧培養:句子的構成與變化(B)
Effective Sentence Making and Variation(B)
開課時間 | 週一、週三13:20-15:10(2024/10/14-2024/10/30),總節數:12。 |
開課教師 | 林天文 老師(Tien-Wen Lin) Email: tienwen@gapp.nthu.edu.tw |
遠距方式 | 以Google Meet進行遠距教學(連結將由老師email給學生) Online learning through Google Meet |
課程對象 | 需加強語法概念的學生。 Students who need to improve grammar skills |
報名資訊 |
報名時間:2024/09/11 09:00 至 2024/10/07 09:00 |
The workshop includes lectures and writing exercises. The lecture will be instructed mostly in English, but grammar will be explained partly bilingually. Exercises and real-time discussion will be conducted online.
Graduate students have started advanced research writing with a variety of writing skills, but may still have issues with sentence-level grammar. Oftentimes, students translate their native language word-by-word into English, leading to the confusion of readers. If the readers are not familiar with the research, they may barely recognize such mis-written sentence structure.
Grammar concepts will be explained in class, including both fundamental and advanced syntax, to help students accomplish different writing tasks with ease.
課次 |
日期 |
主題 |
1 | 10/14 |
句子的構成I:與主詞、動詞、受詞、補語共舞。 |
2 | 10/16 |
句子的構成II:基礎與特殊句型。 |
3 | 10/21 |
使句子生動的動詞變化I:現在與過去 |
4 | 10/23 |
使句子生動的動詞變化II:完成與未來 |
5 | 10/28 |
使句子豐富的分詞I(ing和ed) |
6 | 10/30 |
使句子豐富的分詞II(ing和ed) |