Summer 2023【英】新聞英文典故、成語100(A)
Idioms in News(A)
開課時間 |
週一、三、五10:10-12:00(2023/07/17~2023/07/28),總時數:12小時 |
開課教師 | 李康莉 老師(Keran Lee) Email: |
遠距方式 | 使用Google Meet軟體(連結將由老師email給學生) |
課程對象 | 對於學習英文典故有興趣者,皆可報名 To those who are interested in learning English idioms |
報名資訊 | 報名時間:2023/06/15 09:00 至 2023/07/11 09:00 欲報名同學請至GOOGLE表單報名👈請點擊 或直接檢附學號、姓名寄信至 人限: 20人(報到滿12人方開班)※報名及出席率規定(請務必詳閱) |
Idioms and Analogies are the jewels of the western world. The source may be traced back to Shakespeare, Homer, Aesop’s Fables, The Bible, and modern fictions. Comprehending the history and stories behind these phrases will increase the capability of advanced vocabularies and writing skill. After this workshop, I hope my students will:
1. Get to know 75-100 idioms, analogies, and terms most frequently used in English news.
2. Grasp their historical connotation, extended meaning, and modern application.
3. Know how to use these phrases in appropriate context and news writing.
4. Increase reading and writing capabilities; enrich cultural understanding.
5. Improve English listening comprehension and speaking ability.
※ 課程包含講授與討論:講授部分老師以中英雙語進行。
* The lecture will be conducted in both English and Chinese. English is encouraged in discussion and exercise.
※ 每堂課有提供造句練習、新聞討論、尋找詞源、或解釋成語的練習機會。偶有課後作業,鼓勵同學參與。
* Students’ participation in online activities are required. There will be occasional take-home assignments. Students are encouraged to participate.
課次 |
日期 |
主題 |
1 | 07/17 |
Idioms with Greek origin (1) |
2 | 07/19 |
Idioms with Greek origin (2) |
3 | 07/21 |
Idioms with Greek origin (3) |
4 | 07/24 |
Idioms from literature |
5 | 07/26 |
Frequently used terms and idioms |
6 | 07/28 |
Idioms from mythology and religion |
Opening Pandora's Box by Addis Ferdie; English Idioms in Use-Advanced (Cambridge)
New York Times, The Economist, BBC News