Fall 2022【英】書寫自然與生態批評
Nature Writing and Ecocriticism
開課時間 | 週三 13:20-15:10 (2022/12/07-2022/12/28),總時數:8小時 |
開課教師 | 王遠洋 老師 Email: yy.wang@mx.nthu.edu.tw |
上課地點 | 遠距授課使用 Google Meet。 |
課程對象 | 對書寫自然感興趣之清大學生。 |
報名資訊 |
報名時間: 2022/11/07 09:00 至 2022/12/01 09:00 |
本場工作坊以《金融時報》(Financial Times)巴黎分社社長麥恆文(Victor Mallet)的英文報導文學為範本,觀察資深記者如何書寫自然、探討生態批評,以及分析社會底層。
This four-week workshop emphasizes nature writing and ecocriticism in Victor Mallet’s River of Life, River of Death: The Ganges and India’s Future. Students investigate questions of representations of Indian society by reading and writing nature writing.
課次 |
日期 |
主題 |
1 | 12/07 |
Can the Nature Speak? |
2 | 12/14 |
How Mythology Became Reality |
3 | 12/21 |
“That’s exactly what I want for the Ganga!” |
4 | 12/28 |
Interview with the Pilgrims |
1. 麥恆文(Victor Mallet)著,謝濱安譯。《恆河生與死:從恆河的今昔探索印度的未來》。自由之丘,2019。
2. Buell, Lawrence. The Future of Environmental Criticism. Blackwell, 2005.
3. ---. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture. Harvard, 1995.
4. Spivak, Chakravorty Gayatri. “Can the Subaltern Speak?” Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, edited by Cary Nelson and Lawrence Grossberg, Macmillan Education, 1988, pp. 271-313.