Summer 2021【英】學術英文寫作練習(二)Academic Writing Practice, Session II
開課時間 | 二、五10:10-12:00(2021/08/03-2021/08/20),總時數:12小時。 |
開課教師 | 吳聖鵬 老師 Email - |
遠距方式 | 以Google Meet實施遠距教學(連結將由老師email給學生) |
課程對象 | 曾撰寫或正在撰寫學術論文者為佳。 |
報名資訊 |
報名時間:2021/07/02 08:00 至 2021/07/26 10:00 止 人限: 20人(報到滿6人方開班) ※報名及出席率規定(請務必詳閱) 初選結果 |
習作包含閱讀、上網搜尋與成果分享。每次上課皆在課前進行短篇寫作練習並於課堂上進行分享與檢討。將採用遠距授課模式,主要使用Google Meet & Google Classroom。
The course includes writing composition, lectures and discussions. The discussion part will be mainly in Mandarin Chinese. Assignments include reading, research, and sharing of your writing. The instructor will assign tasks before class, and students are expected to complete the tasks and share results in class. Due to the pandemic situation, this workshop will proceed in an online format with mainly Google Meet and Google Classroom platforms.
課次 |
日期 |
主題 |
1 | 8/3 |
課程介紹。摘要技巧。指派作業。 Orientation. Techniques to Summarize. Take-home Assignments. |
2 | 8/6 |
對話主述說明。討論並指派新作業。 Structures for Making an Argument. Discussions on previous assignment & assignment of new ones. |
3 | 8/10 |
結合摘要與論述產生對話。討論並指派新作業。 Combining summaries and arguments to create dialogues. Discussions on assignments. |
4 | 8/13 |
特殊寫作情境說明。討論並指派新作業。 Specific writing contexts and their corresponding templates. Discussions on individual assignments. |
5 | 8/17 |
範本討論。討論並指派新作業。 Discussions on example writing. Discussions on assignments last week. |
6 | 8/20 |
基礎段落寫作分析。引言格式複習。討論作業。 Analyses on writing paragraphs. Review of quotation rules in MLA. Discussions on the last assignment and how to keep on improving your writing. |