Fall 2020【英文】閱讀書寫探索自己
開課時間 | Wed. 13:20-15:10 (2020/11/18—2020/12/23) , Total hours: 12hrs |
開課教師 | 林玲真 老師 |
上課地點 | 教育館101 |
課程對象 | 已修完中高英文一與二, 或中高英文三閱讀與聽講的學生,或免修英文的學生 |
報名資訊 |
報名時間: 2020-10-04 08:00 至 2020-11-09 10:00 人限: 20人(報到滿12人方開班)※報名及出席率規定(請務必詳閱) 初選結果 |
本工作坊希望藉由閱讀英文勵志及探討人際關係、心靈等文章,提升學生人文涵養(軟實力)、培養獨立思考的習慣、打開生命的面相。 然後透過英文書寫,探索、了解自己。
※ 課程進行以英文為主。
※ 上課活動包括講義研讀、分組討論與報告、寫作。
※ 學生須課前預習、一期課程中須完成2~3份英文寫作作業。
課次 |
日期 |
主題 |
1 | 11/18 | 【主題:人際關係、生、 死、放手】 閱讀 1. Meaning of Life (TED talk) 2. Secrets About Life Every (Wo)man Should Know (Barbara de Angelis) 3. Losing the“Us”(CS* for the Teenage Soul) 4. Missing Pa (CS* for the mother's soul 2) 5. Do not stand at my grave and weep (Mary E.Frye) (*CS Chicken Soup) 課堂活動 1. Writing a summary 2. What is the meaning of life to you? 3. Which secret do you find most helpful to you? Why? 4. If you have had a break up before, how have you survived? 5. Have you ever lost a loved one? How have you survived the grief? |
2 | 11/25 | 【主題:長大】 閱讀 Rites of passage (CS* for the mother's soul 2) 課堂活動 1. If you could meet someone you admire most in person, what question(s) would you ask him/her? 2. Planning your next birthday |
3 | 12/02 | 【主題:愛自己】 閱讀 1. The Golden Buddha (CS* for the soul) 2. Nothing but the Truth (same) 3. Covering all the Bases (same) 課堂活動 Making the best use of your strengths |
4 | 12/09 | 【主題:欣賞】 閱讀 1. Cool Dude Earring (CS* for the mother's soul 2) 2. A Real home (same) 課堂活動 Practice adding adjectives/adverbs to your writing |
5 | 12/16 | 【主題:我想做…】 閱讀 Tommy's Bumper Sticker (CS* for the soul) 課堂活動 1. Practice writing in time sequence 2. I have a dream |
6 | 12/23 | 【主題:總結】 課堂活動 作品觀摩、感想發表 |